Certificate of Conformity – a document confirming the compliance of the product with the quality and safety requirements established for it by the current standards and rules.
We are laureates and winners of many professional competitions, both regional and federal.
Driving license 76.1 KB
It should be borne in mind that the deprivation of the right to drive vehicles provides that a citizen against whom such a punishment is applied loses the very right to drive, and not a document called a “driver's license”, which is withdrawn only to ensure the execution of the punishment.
Permission to fish in the Moscow region 76.1 KB
On the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, for a decent number of years, there has been a ban on the use of spinning and live bait fishing rods during the two-month period for the protection of fish stocks. The duration of the two-month period is from April 10 to June 10, or changes slightly depending on the weather conditions.